Stronger Than Yesterday
Therapeutic Activities Dept: Music for Recovery TU1
Summit Oaks – Oct 17, 2019

Written from the Prompts:
1. I am strong because
2. One strength I have is
3. One way to use that strength is

We are stronger than yesterday
There is nothing in our way
We are stronger than yesterday

I am strong because
I have a big heart
I share the love,
I do my part

I am strong because
I know how to forgive
It makes it easier
For me to live
My mom gave it to me when I was younger
on a lesson taught well for me

I am strong because
I can survive
I am here learning to thrive

What doesn’t kill me
Makes me stronger
So I can hold on
A little longer

My biggest strength is compassion
I use it with every bit of my passion

I am strong because I have god in my life
The strength I have in the power of prayer
The way I use it when I wake up
Is God’s strength is always there

I am strong because I work my way
thru the worst of situations
and still walk with confidence
towards my destination

I am strong because I am a member of the mosque
Allah has the rights
what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger
I pray morning, noon and night, morning, noon and night

The strength I have is humor
I always have the joke
Love to see them smile and laugh
That’s how I help them cope

Pray to know
Pray to live
We are…
Stronger than yesterday
There is nothing in our way
I am the true and the light
So all are able to take flight
Some fight like and
Force with all their might
And never make time to take a bite
I am strong because of
My mom and dad
They lift up my self esteem
When I am feeling bad

I am strong because
I have been given strength
By my mom she taught
Me how to forgive
That is my greatest strength
I am stronger than yesterday
There is nothing in my way

So remember to be honest and true
Because you are doing it for you
That’s why I am stronger today
Than yesterday
There is nothing in our way
So pray for peace today
And everyday
Go through today

I feel like I am strong
But I need to take a little longer
To be free from my slumber
Yesterday was my last day